
Parents Login

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Who should I contact?

  • General enquiries should go to the Office.
  • Pastoral concerns should initially be addressed to your child’s Form Tutor/Class Teacher who may refer them to Mr Edwards, Deputy Head.  In the Prep Department, from Year 4 - Year 8, Form Tutors do not routinely see their forms at the end of each day, so it is best to contact tutors by letter, email or by telephoning the Office to leave a message.
  • Academic concerns should go initially to the Class Teacher in Year 3, to the subject teacher or to Mr Hoo, the Director of Studies.  Mr Hoo has responsibility for examinations, pupil monitoring, report and record keeping and overall responsibility for the academic curriculum of the School.
  • Questions about future schools should always go to the Headmaster. It is quite in order for parents of girls in Years 5 and 6 and boys in Year 6 and 7 to take their children out of school for visits to prospective future schools. Please always inform the School when you are planning to do so.  There is a meeting for Year 4 parents in the Summer Term to outline the procedure for boys and girls entrance examinations to senior schools and to answer any questions.
  • Notification of absence should be made to the school office before the end of registration.(8:55am)
  • Letters or emails after absence or notification of future absence for medical reasons should go to the School Office.
  • Requests for leave of absence outside of school holidays should be made to the Headmaster in writing. (email or letter)These dates are published well in advance so that holidays can be booked early.

Why can't I park on the High Street outside the school?

We regularly have incidents and accident caused by cars parked on the double yellow lines outside the school and on the corner of Ormond Avenue. This is not only illegal and a real danger to our pupils, but causes chaos when children are returning from fixtures, swimming or outings when coaches are unable to drop the children off outside the school safely. There is legal parking further down the High Street towards Hampton Hill, in Ormond Cresent and Ormond Avenue.