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Homework/ Helping your Child

Pre Prep Homework

Homework is set to support and extend classroom learning.

When the Reception class teachers feel that each child is ready, they will be given reading homework at an appropriate level.   As the year progresses the pupils are given phonics work once a week.

Year 1 children will have reading every night, weekly spelling lists and numeracy tasks from the Spring and Summer term where appropriate. 

In Year 2 the children have regular homework – including reading for 15/20 minutes each day, learning spellings for weekly tests, English grammar exercises or story, and a Maths task. 

It is important that all homework is taken seriously, whether it be learning letter sounds in the first weeks of Reception, or far more complicated material further up the school.  We do appreciate your help and support with this.   If you have any questions regarding homework please not hesitate to speak to the Class Teacher.

Prep Homework

In Year 3 the pupils are expected to spend approximately 20 - 30 minutes on homework each day.  This homework will focus mainly on English and Maths.  As the pupils progress through the school the time allocation will increase as will the degree of difficulty of the work set.  All pupils are expected to read regularly, preferably daily.

Year 3 - Weekly spelling work & times tables - approximately 20 minutes/night

Year 4 - Weekly spelling work & times tables & Science – approximately 30 minutes/night

Year 5 & 6  - English, Maths, Science, History, French, Geography, Latin & RS - approximately 45 minutes/night

Year 7 & 8 - English, Maths, Science, History, French, Geography, Latin & RS - approximately 60 minutes/night

  • Scholarship candidates will be expected to spend at least 90 minutes on homework each evening.

All the pupils have a homework diary which should be signed by parents every weekend.  We would encourage parents to be actively involved in the supervision of their child’s homework, ensuring the work is completed by the child.  The homework diary is also used as a means of communication between home and school and is signed by the Form Tutor every Monday morning. 


Year 3-6

These are a reward for special effort and good standard of work.  Merits are read out in the Awards Assembly once a week. 

30 merits =  Headmaster’s Commendation Certificate

60 merits = Bronze Headmaster’s Certificate.  

90 merits = Silver Headmaster’s Certificate.

120 merits = Gold Headmaster’s Certificate.

At the end of each half-term the merits are added up and a cup is awarded to the House with the most points. 

Years 7 and 8

These are a reward for special effort and good standard of work.  Merits are read out in the Awards Assembly once a week. At 25/50/75 and 130 merits pupils receive a £5 Amazon voucher. At 100 and 150 merits pupils receive a £10 Amazon voucher.

Examinations and Results

All pupils in the Prep Department are assessed in the second half of the Summer Term.  In Year 3, these assessments are incorporated within their normal timetable.   Years 4 - 7 follow a more formal assessment timetable. These results allow us to monitor the pupil’s progress as they move through the Prep school.  Year 6 have individual practice for their interviews and exams at their senior school and the Year 7 and 8 boys are prepared for Common Entrance and Scholarship Exams.  Exam percentages will tend to get lower as pupils progress through the school in keeping with senior school marking procedures.


Parents’ Meetings

There are opportunities for parents to meet with teachers at the beginning of the year when academic targets are set for the pupils.  Meetings for Years 3 - 8 take place in October and are followed up by a review meeting in March. Reports are sent home towards the end of the Summer Term and there are opportunities for parents to meet with teachers individually, either by appointment, or at our formal Parents’ Evenings.  Notice of these is given well in advance.