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About Us

Headmaster's Welcome


    'Education is the foundation on which we build our future', maintained Christine Gregoire, the well-known American politician and lawyer, a statement with which I'm sure we would unanimously agree.

    Choosing the perfect school for our children is one of a parent's most significant decisions; the environment in which they are educated, and the values espoused there will influence them for the rest of their lives. The firm foundation derived from an outstanding private school education is increasingly important in these challenging times, when society needs its future leaders to be adaptable, creative and resilient, whilst also demonstrating empathy and kindness for others and care towards the environment.


    Twickenham Prep School, (TPS), creates such a foundation for life both for today and for the future, in a wonderful, co-educational setting. We aim to inspire a love of independent learning, underpinned by Christian values, seeking to ensure our pupils learn to be 'Calm, Courageous, Courteous and Considerate'. The staff appreciate each pupil's contribution to our community, where we provide an atmosphere of warmth, trust and care, in which all can truly flourish.

    In the intimacy of a traditional preparatory school, where everyone feels at home, TPS's education offers not only an exciting and challenging academic curriculum, but also a broad range of opportunities in other areas of school life, including the sporting, artistic, social and cultural.


Good Schools Guide

    Academically, pupils perform extremely well, obtaining places at the best senior schools locally. TPS is renowned nationwide for its winning prowess in the Independent Schools' Chess championships, and those at Mindlab, an innovative thinking skills' programme enjoyed by pupils from Reception to Year 8.

    I hope these pages provide a flavour of what makes our prep school in South West London so special. Please come and visit us, to see for yourselves how much TPS has to offer each and every child.

    Oliver Barrett


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