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About Us

Senior Leadership Team

Mr O. Barrett, BA Hons, QTS

Deputy Head:
Mr J. Edwards, BA Hons, PGCE

Head of Pre-Prep:
Mrs B. Barnes, BA Hons, QTS

Director of Studies:
Mr K. Hoo, BEng Hons, PGCE

Senior Teacher:
Mrs A. Hepburn, BSc Hons, PGCE


Prep Department

Miss O. Burton, BA Hons, PGCE

Mr T. Chatzidavaris, MA Hons

Mrs R. Clough, MA, BA Hons, PGCE

Mrs R. Engelhardt, DipEd, BEd Hons, B Couns

Mrs L. Freeman, BA Hons, QTS

Mrs J. Gliniecka, BSc Hons, PGCE

Mrs E. Harber, BEd Hons

Mrs N. Hill, BA Hons, PGCE

Mr M. Howorth, BA, QTS

Mrs J. Jelfs, BA Hons, PGCE

Mr A. Jervis, BA Hons, PGCE

Miss C. Jones, BSc Hons, QTS

Mrs J. Kidson, BA cum Laude, PGCE

Mrs K. Maddison, BA Hons

Miss J. May, MA Hons, PGCE

Mrs J. McCarey, MA Hons

Mrs N. Penn-van Eyssen, BSc Hons, PGCE

Mrs A. Powell, BEd Hons

Mrs C. Walker, MSc, PGCE

Mrs C. Wilson, BA Hons, PGCE


Pre-Prep Department

Miss C. Chesney, BA Hons, PGCE

Mrs I. Gettings, BSc Hons, Dip Ed

Miss S. Hemmings, BA Hons, PGCE

Mrs J. Kidson, BA Hons, QTS

Mrs A. Lindsay, BA Hons, QTS

Miss A. McVey, MA Ps Ed, BEd, MBPsS

Miss P. Melvin, BEd Hons, PGCE

Mrs L. Robertson, BA Hons, PGCE

Mrs S. Walls, BA Hons, QTS


Teaching Assistants

Mrs I. Auksakyte-Haywood, MA, AMBDA, APC, Level 7, SpLD

Mrs S. Avetoom, HNC

Mrs M. Brown, NNEB

Mrs Z. Brown, BA Hons, PGCE

Mrs N. Croucher, HLTA

Mrs J. Fox, NVQ3

Mrs M. Frost, NNEB Diploma

Mrs J. Openshaw, BA Hons, NVQ3

Mrs S. Thomson, BTec

Learning Support Department

Head of Learning Support:

Mrs H. Salt, BA Hons, GTP Ed (UCL), OCR Level 5 SpLD

Learning Support Assistants:

Mr B. Bouget, Cert Higher Ed 

Mrs W. Brister-Runnacles, BA Hons, PGCE

Visiting Music Teachers

Visiting Music Teachers:

Brass/Piano: Mr R. D’Oliveira

Cello: Miss A. Sims

Drums: Mr P. Page

Guitar: Mr J. Cowie

Guitar: Mr A. Flanagan

Piano: Ms M. Encinas, ARCM 

Piano: Miss E. Tinniswood

Singing: Mrs A. Goodhew

Violin: Miss A. Ritchie

Woodwind: Mr S. Devlin

Support and Other Staff

Business Manager:

Mrs C. Churchman, BSc Hons, FCA

Marketing & Admin Manager:

Mrs K. Blake, BA Hons

Headmaster’s PA & Admissions Registrar:

Mrs J. Marshall

Academic & Office Coordinator: 

Miss J. Harris, BA Hons

HR & Compliance Manager:

Mrs H. Camilleri, Chartered MCIPD

Premises Manager:

Mr H. Niehaus

Pupil Supervisors:

Mrs B. Chlopecka, CACHE Level 3

Ms A. Hyso

Sports Coaches

Miss H. Kent 

Mrs S. Limbachia, ECB Level 2 

Mr N. Sagar, MA, QTS

Lab Technician:

Mr P. Brown

Mini Bus Drivers:

Mr B. Bharadwa

Mr Y. Brohi

Mr M. Cummings


Catering Department

Catering Manager:

Miss D. Cassiano

Assistant Catering Manager:

Mr M. Brhel

Catering Assistants:

Mrs M. Cassar

Ms S. Khatib

Miss I. Nartowicz

Mr W. Oo

Board of Governors

Mr H. Bates: BA Hons - Founder and Director, TFT Consulting Ltd; Former TPS Parent; Chair of Governors

Mrs S. Ball: BA -  Commercial and Strategic Finance Professional: Current TPS Parent

Mrs K. Bhalla: BCom - FCCA, Financial Services, Former TPS Parent; Finance Committee

Mr P. Buron: MA - Managing Director, CIO/CTO/Senior Advisor in Financial Services; Current TPS Parent; Education & Stratetic Planning Committee

Mrs E. Ferguson: Cert Ed  - Retired Head of Mathematics and Senior Teacher; Education & Strategic Planning Committee

Miss B. Flight: Registered Nurse, DipSW, Dip. - Retired Child Social Care Senior Manager; Risk Committee; Education & Strategic Planning Committee; Designated Governor for SEND, Designated Governor for Safeguarding

Mrs J. Harvey: BA Hons - Managing Director, HSBC; Current TPS Parent; Risk Committee Chair

Mr P. Kenny: BA Hons, FCA - Chartered Accountant; Biographer; Former TPS Parent; Finance Committee, Premises Committee

Mr A. Murray: BA Hons - Solicitor and Partner, Winckworth Sherwood LLP; Premises Committee Chair

Ms J. O'Connor: RIBA - Architect, Director, Jackson O'Connor Architecture Ltd, Former TPS Parent, Premises Committee

Mrs R. Olney: MCIPS - Co-Founder & Director, Source-Re Ltd; TPS Parent, Premises Committee

Mr T. Owens: BA Hons - Head of Politics, The Royal Grammar School Guildford; Education & Strategic Planning Committee

Mrs. G Warms: MA - MCIPD - Director, Warms Consulting Ltd; Former TPS Parent; Education & Strategic Planning Committee, Finance Committee

The Chairman of Governors may be contacted at: 

Twickenham Prep School Beveree, 43, High St, Hampton, TW12 2SA         

Tel no: 020 8979 6216

Twickenham Preparatory School: A company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England: Company Number 3475951
Registered Office: Twickenham Prep School, Beveree, 43, High St, Hampton, TW12 2SA
Registered Charity Number: 1067572