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Trips and Activities

Trips and activity days support the curriculum but also offer the pupils chances to try new activities, develop new skills and take part in team-building days.

From Year 3 our pupils have the opportunity to go on residential activity trips. Year 4 and Year 5 pupils travel to a PGL centre, Year 6 pupils go to France, and Year 7 and Year 8 boys take part in an outdoor adventure week in the UK. Year 3 will have one night away at Marchant's Hill.

There are also a wide variety of extra-curricular activities over the course of the academic year, with many after-school clubs, such as chess, coding, drama,  karate, touch typing, tennis, football and netball. Wraparound care, including Breakfast Club, is also available from 7.30am–6.30pm.

We also offer Holiday clubs during the Summer Holidays which are run by Premier Education

Click here for more information about Holiday Clubs

Click here for information on clubs

Click here for information on wraparound care