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Future Schools and Scholarships

The independent senior school sector in the area is highly competitive and at TPS we recognise that choosing the right school for your child is an incredibly important decision. 

We pride ourselves in identifying the senior schools that are best suited to our pupils, ensuring that they will thrive academically, socially and cater for their talents and interests. Throughout your child’s time at TPS we build up a detailed picture of their academic ability, skills, talents, character and potential. Together with our comprehensive knowledge, experience and excellent relationships with the schools that our pupils transfer to, we are able to provide TPS families with valuable insight and guidance to support them with their decisions.


CLICK HERE  To See Our School Offers

Parents can expect detailed presentations and ongoing information from Year 4 onwards outlining sector information, senior school options available, the entry requirements and processes. Our Headmaster meets families on a one-to-one basis, to provide bespoke advice tailored towards the exact requirements of your child. We are fully committed to ensuring that at all stages of the process, you will be kept fully informed and supported.

All pupils in Year 6 sit their senior entrance exams with offers made to girls for a Year 7 entry and for boys, the possibilities of a Year 7 or Year 9 entry. Staying on at TPS Senior Prep allows our boys to access our robust KS3 provision alongside the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate (PSB) framework, which has a core skills focus and is designed to be in tune with the requirements of the 21st century workplace.

 The majority of our pupils will gain places in independent days schools, with some pupils moving to local grammar schools and boarding schools.

Recognising and nurturing talent is an important focus at TPS, whether it be academic, sport, art, music or drama we are dedicated to identifying, developing and supporting our pupils in reaching their true potential. 

We are always delighted for our pupils when their incredible talent and efforts are recognised by scholarship offers from senior schools. We are incredibly proud of our pupils’ achievements and know that they will continue to flourish and excel as they embark on the next stage of their journey.

We congratulate our pupils on achieving the following recent offers and scholarships.





In 2023-24 our Pupils achieved the following Scholarships
Academic Hampton
Academic x 2 LEH
Academic x 2 St George's College
Academic St James' Boys
Academic Notre Dame
Academic Halliford
Academic St Catherine's
Academic x 3 Sir William Perkins
Art Seaford College
Art St George's College
Art St Catherine's
Art Surbiton High
Art x 2 Sir William Perkins
Sports Epsom College
Sports Hampton
Sports x 2 St Catherine's
Sport Cranleigh
Sports St George's College
Sports Surbiton High
Sports x 3 Sir William Perkins
Drama Box Hill
Drama St Catherine's
Music Halliford
In 2022-23 our Pupils achieved the following Scholarships
Academic St George's College
Academic Surbiton High
Academic Sir William Perkins
Academic St Catherine's Twickenham
Academic Claremont Fan Court
Academic Notre Dame
Art Sir William Perkins
Art St Catherine's Twickenham
Music St Catherine's Twickenham
Sports Hampton
Sports Halliford
In 2021-22 our Pupils achieved the following Scholarships
Academic Kings College Wimbledon
Academic Hampton
Academic Surbiton High
Academic Royal Grammar School Guildford
Academic Sir William Perkins
Academic Halliford
Academic Notre Dame
Art Sir William Perkins
Drama Box Hill
Drama Surbiton High
Music St George's College
Music Halliford
Music St James' Boys
Sports Hampton
Sports Reed's School
In 2020-21 our Pupils achieved the following Scholarships
Academic St George's College
Academic Surbiton High
Academic Sir William Perkins
Academic Wimbledon High
All Rounder Claremont Fan Court
Art Claremont Fan Court
Art Halliford
Art Sir William Perkins
Art Sir William Perkins
Art St Catherine's Twickenham
Music Reed's School
Music St George's College
Sports Hampton
Sports Reed's School

Destination Schools