Headmaster’s Update
With the commencement of the clubs programme this week, TPS has had a really busy feel and many opportunities to for the children learn beyond the classroom. Monday saw Year 6 visit Kempton Race Course, to explore weights and measures and see what really happens in the Weighing Room. They had to calculate the manner in which horses are walked around the Parade Ring, taking care to calculate safe distances, before considering how mathematics is essential in the industry. Meanwhile, Year 2 had a super time visiting Windsor Castle and identifying the features of castles studied at school, whilst exploring St George’s Chapel and, a highlight for many of the children, Queen Mary’s dolls’ house. The children even took part in a fabulous workshop about the life of a knight!
Funnily enough, knights were also the order of the day in Mr Dilly’s History workshop for Year 4, held on Thursday, which looked at the fascinating history of Hampton Court and the reign of Henry VIII. Along with some rather impressive jousting, the workshop included gruesome descriptions of the ways in which Tudor law was imposed, with branding, ducking stools and pillories drawing gasps from the children; please be reassured we won’t be following suit at TPS! The very talented Mr Dilly also saw Year 3 to explore the Roman Empire, specifically through the story of the twin brothers, Romulus and Remus, who were famously suckled by a she-wolf before founding the Eternal City and becoming an emblem of the City of Rome forevermore.
Our assemblies this week have included a focus on Fundamental British Values, those of liberty, democracy, the rule of law and mutual respect and how these precious ideals ensure that everyone has a voice and feels valued in any community. We looked at the signing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede and Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park as two local examples of these ideals being realised. Indeed, Pre-Prep’s wonderful assembly with Mrs Barnes exploring the children’s holiday adventures showed the importance of the children having their chance to share and talk about what truly matters to them!
This week, I’d like to finish by sharing news of Evie in Year 6 who wrote to her local MP, Munira Wilson, to raise awareness of the fantastic work of the charity ‘Made by Dyslexia’. Evie wants to promote the education of Dyslexic Thinking, driven by her feelings that every child should have the same support as she does at TPS. With this in mind, Evie is on a fundraising drive, with the intention of undertaking a 10km walk in March. Please consider supporting Evie in realising her target if you are able to:
Oliver Barrett, Headmaster
Key Dates
Day: | Date: | Event: |
Mon | 27 | Raising Resilience Parent Drop in session |
Mon | 27 | Year RSE session |
Tue | 28 | Year 5 Academic Review Meetings – all subjects (online) |
Tue | 28 | Lunar New Year Lunch |
Wed | 29 | Year 5 Academic Review Meetings – all subjects (online) |
Thu | 30 | Year 5 Academic Review Meetings – all subjects (online) |
Thu | 30 | Years 4,5&6 Spirit of the Wild |
Fri | 31 | Prayer Meeting |
All up to date events information can be found on MSP
Sports Fixtures
Day: | Date: | Sport Event: | |
Wed | 29 | Girls – Year 5 A&B Hockey vs Falcons | Staines Hockey Club |
Wed | 29 | Boys – Year 5 A,B&C vs St George’s Windsor | Kempton CC |
Wed | 29 | Boys – Year 7&8 1st XII vs St George’s Windsor | Kempton CC |
Wed | 29 | Girls – Year 6 A,B,C Football vs Claremont | Claremont Fan Court Senior School Car Park (enter school by Portsmouth Road) |
Wed | 29 | Boys – Year 7&8 2nds & 3rds vs St George’s Windsor | St George’s Windsor |
Wed | 29 | Boys – Year 6 A&B vs St George’s Windsor | St George’s Windsor |
Fri | 31 | Boys – Year 4 A,B&C vs St George’s Windsor | St George’s Windsor |
Fri | 31 | Boys – Year 3 A,B&C vs St George’s Windsor | St George’s Windsor |
All up to date events information can be found on MSP
February Half Term Art Club at TPS with Mrs Fox and Mrs Lindsay!

Year 3 Roman Workshop with Mr Dilly!
A fantastically lively and engaging workshop with Julius Caesar (aka Mr Dilly) who took Year 3 back to Roman times and the expansion of the Roman Empire. He also told the story of the twins, Remus and Romulus, with the children acting out key roles, which led to the founding of the city of Rome and the Roman Kingdom. Thank you Mr Dilly for a brilliant morning of workshops!

House Music Individual Competition
Please email entries directly from a parent email account to Mrs Hill: nhill@twickenhamprep.co.uk
Reception, Years 1 & 2
‘Sing a Song’
To enter: submit a recording of you singing your favourite song to Mrs Hill via email.
You can add actions, other instruments and some dancing if you wish.
Years 3 – 8
‘Individual Performance’
To enter: via email, submit a recording of a piece of music of your choice on your chosen instrument to Mrs Hill (can include singing, drums and guitars) at least Grade 1 standard and above. If you are not sure on the standard, please ask your teacher.
Each entry will be put into Round 1 of the competition. Following this, finalists will be selected (& notified) and adjudicated by a professional musician during a live concert at school on Thursday 13th February @ 9am.
Merits will be awarded for each entry!
If you have any further questions, please contact Mrs Hill ♫
My School Portal
My School Portal is a great school-to-parent communication system.
Here you will find the latest events, which can be synced with your electronic calendar, weekly menus and copies of all letters sent home.
Below are important notices from two key departments which are updated weekly:
Pre-Prep — messages from Mrs Barnes including club collection
Click Here
Safeguarding & Wellbeing messages from our Designated Safeguarding Team
Click Here
School Meals week commencing: 27th Jan Menu Week 1