Headmaster’s Update
With January being an opportune time to reflect on new beginnings, we focused this week in our whole school assembly on New Year traditions and why we tend to only maintain our commitment to resolutions for a relatively short time. It’s best to be SMART (specific; measurable; achievable; relevant; timed) and to share our commitment with others, so we can be held to account! It’s been great to hear from the children this week regarding their intentions for 2025.
There’s been a focus on our fantastic Prep BOUNCE programme this week, with workshops on resilience for Years 3 and 4 and superb training for staff by Dr Kate and Dr Sarah. Today, we are delighted to be sharing information regarding the new ‘Bounce@Home’ online resources to assist parents and guardians in navigating challenging issues at home relating to relationships, mental health and making the best of family life. Please look out for the leaflets sent home to all Prep children today.
A significant milestone in the history of our School has seen us launch our brand-new school website, centred on the theme of ‘Their Happy Place’, which we feel neatly encapsulates how we focus on the children and their fulfilment above all else here at TPS. Please do take time to navigate the new site and explore the content, and please do share with family and friends; there are lots of wonderful photos of the children throughout the pages. With the new site, we’ve taken the opportunity to refresh our weekly school bulletin so we hope you like this new format; it’s great to ring the changes and I am very grateful to Mrs Blake, Head of Marketing, who has overseen the website project.
Finally, on practical matters may I ask for your assistance when parking on local roads to ensure that vehicles are not positioned over driveway entrances, either blocking access or limiting sightlines for residents. Where possible, please also avoid idling, thereby leaving the care engine running, as this causes excessive exhaust fumes and contravenes the Highway Code. Thank you for your support!
Oliver Barrett, Headmaster
Key Dates
Day: | Date: | Event: |
Mon | 20 | Year 2 visit to Windsor Castle |
Mon | 20 | Year 4 and 5 Bounce Workshops |
Mon | 20 | Year 6 Visit to Kempton Racecourse (maths trip) |
Mon | 20 | Year 8 RSE |
Mon | 20 | Extra Curricular Clubs |
Tue | 21 | Year 7&8 Academic Review Meetings – All subjects (online) |
Wed | 22 | Year 7&8 Academic Review Meetings – All subjects (online) |
Thu | 23 | Year 7&8 Academic Review Meetings – All subjects (online) |
Thu | 23 | Year 3 Mr Dilly Roman Workshop |
Thu | 23 | Year 4 Mr Dilly Tudor Workshop |
Thu | 23 | School Council Meeting |
All up to date events information can be found on MSP
Sports Fixtures
Day: | Date: | Sport Event: | |
Wed | 22 | Girls – Year 6 A&B Hockey vs Newland House | Staines Hockey Club |
Fri | 24 | Girls – Year 4 A,C,C&D Hockey vs harrodian | Harrodian School |
All up to date events information can be found on MSP
Costume Help!
If you have a sewing or creative skill that you could offer for our Year 4 and Year 6 production costumes, please do contact Mrs Hill nhill@twickenhamprep.co.uk
Items that need to be made are very simple!
House Music Individual Competition
Please email entries directly from a parent email account to Mrs Hill: nhill@twickenhamprep.co.uk
Reception, Years 1 & 2
‘Sing a Song’
To enter: submit a recording of you singing your favourite song to Mrs Hill via email.
You can add actions, other instruments and some dancing if you wish.
Years 3 – 8
‘Individual Performance’
To enter: via email, submit a recording of a piece of music of your choice on your chosen instrument to Mrs Hill (can include singing, drums and guitars) at least Grade 1 standard and above. If you are not sure on the standard, please ask your teacher.
Each entry will be put into Round 1 of the competition. Following this, finalists will be selected (& notified) and adjudicated by a professional musician during a live concert at school on Thursday 13th February @ 9am.
Merits will be awarded for each entry!
If you have any further questions, please contact Mrs Hill ♫
My School Portal
My School Portal is a great school-to-parent communication system. Here you will find the latest events, which can be synced with your electronic calendar, weekly menus and copies of all letters sent home.
Below are important notices from two key departments which are updated weekly:
Pre-Prep — messages from Mrs Barnes including club collection
Click Here
Safeguarding & Wellbeing messages from our Designated Safeguarding Team
Click Here
School Meals week commencing: 13th Jan Menu Week 2