Twickenham Preparatory School (TPS) is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity administered by a Board of Governors. The objectives are set out in the Company memorandum “to advance education including (but not limited to) the provision of a school or schools in Great Britain”. The Governors determine the general policy of the School. The day-to-day management of the School is delegated to the Headmaster.
- Headmaster’s Welcome
- Aims & Ethos
- ISI Inspection Report
- Our History
- Our Facilities
- Staff & Governors
- Policies
- Safeguarding
- Join our Team
- Term Dates
- Join TPS
- Visit Us
- Starting at TPS
- Future Schools & Scholarships
- Minibus Routes
- Wraparound Care
- Fees
- Testimonials
- FAQs
- New Parents
- Wellbeing & Pastoral Care
- Our Food
- Minibus Routes
- Charity & Community
- Wraparound Care
- Uniform
- Parents Committee
- School Day